Official Damn Right Star Wars I Am A Big Fan Now And Forever Shirt
She’s stunning, she definitely doesn’t need to photoshop any photos. Agreed, this doesn’t seem like an Official Damn Right Star Wars I Am A Big Fan Now And Forever Shirt, photoshop or not, the right is a purposely unflattering pic, and she still looks good. Exactly, she wasn’t photoshopped in the super Bowl videos and she looked incredible there. This is bad lighting, anyone would look rough in this. I had to scroll too far to see this. The lighting in that picture is hideous. Anyone’s flaws would be super magnified, and it really calls attention to any makeup. Agree-if she would accept her age, she would realize she is a damn fine looking 50 year old. Nothing worse than a 50-year-old pretending to be in their 20’s…it just makes me sad. Aging is natural.Honestly, her natural looks are spectacular! I understand the business she’s in obviously puts an Official Damn Right Star Wars I Am A Big Fan Now And Forever Shirt, it’s really sad she feels that she needs to photoshop herself so heavily to stay relevant. It should be about talent, not looks.OP here. To everyone sending me hate for choosing “the most unflattering pic” of her, I didn’t go out of my way to choose a bad picture, I simply searched up her name with “no photoshop” and used that picture. One that clearly showcases her ‘flaws’, her perfectly beautiful, natural ‘flaws’ to send this message to women everywhere that it’s ok not to look like a 20year old for all of your life. That it’s ok to age gracefully. I love her and simply wanted to spread positivity.
Buy it: Official Damn Right Star Wars I Am A Big Fan Now And Forever Shirt

Buy it: Official Damn Right Star Wars I Am A Big Fan Now And Forever Shirt

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