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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

Halloween The Beatles Abbey Road Pumpkin Moon Shirt

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 Not long ago they reopened Halloween The Beatles Abbey Road Pumpkin Moon Shirt the mall so I’m doubting that they’ll do the trick or treating there (most of the parents take their younger kids to the mall for trick or treating in my area). Though at the very least I’m guessing they’ll do it at a 50% capacity. My last guess is a drive-by trick or treats event of some kind (not the trunk or treat). Slowly getting worse around here. Hairdressers, beauty parlors, nail salons, everything might get closed again. That means that a lot of people might do Halloween with their natural look this year. I’m debating if I should even bother getting a bunch of candy. Buy it: Halloween The Beatles Abbey Road Pumpkin Moon Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Halloween Witch Bibbidi Bobbidi Shirt

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 I’m so glad I don’t in live the Halloween Witch Bibbidi Bobbidi Shirt States, I heard all about how adults last year were putting up signs or refusing to give candy to kids because of their parents’ views in politics. They were punishing kids for something their parents chose to do. Depressing.Halloween drive by’s instead of trick or treating. Put all the kids on the street and we can drive by and throw candy at them. All of these alternative ideas seem lame as hell. I’m an all or nothing type, person. If you can’t do something properly, just don’t do it. I’m going to leave individual treat bags on the porch. The idea of a candy bowl that everyone reaches in feels wrong to me. Buy it: Halloween Witch Bibbidi Bobbidi Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Halloween Witch On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt

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 The scariest costumes will Halloween Witch On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt include people wearing red MAGA hats, combat boots, some camouflage, with QAnon patches, an outfit with an AR-15 and a sidearm of their choice … and with no mask. I’m guessing ppl will have to roll down their windows and u have thrown the candy into the window or if it’s a golf cart just aim it at the kids. If door to door is still happening, I’ll just leave a candy bowl on the porch. I have a ring doorbell camera that I can talk through. I plan to stuff it into a scarecrow and have some fun. Buy it: Halloween Witch On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Happy Halloween With Scary Stuff Shirt

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 There won’t be a Happy Halloween With Scary Stuff Shirt Halloween. Between the number of people who won’t let their kids go door-to-door and the number of houses that don’t want anyone coming up to the house, it’ll be a flop.I would love for people to start wearing Halloween masks for everyday errands rather than the standard mouth/nose cloth coverings we’re wearing right now. Unfortunately, those often have an opening for the mouth, which is of course unsafe. We’ll celebrate it alone and miserable in our homes (provided we still have them) and the costume that’ll be all the rage will be “Person who Tore Off their Own Face in Anguish” Buy it: Happy Halloween With Scary Stuff Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Hippie Car Dolphins Its Time Of The Year Halloween Autumn Shirt

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 Crap I guess I got to.  Hippie Car Dolphins Its Time Of The Year Halloween Autumn Shirt get my kids plague doctor costume back out for this year. That right my crazy fourth-grader went as a plague doctor. He spent most of his Halloween explaining wtf he was. He’s weird. (In fifth grade went as Abraham Lincoln.. then zombified Abraham later in the night.) Halloween has been dying for years. In my area, you might see 2-3 groups of kids, where you used to get someone at the door every 30-40 seconds. It will never be what it was 30 years ago. That being said, it probably won’t change much in America based on how badly everyone is following guidelines. Buy it: Hippie Car Dolphins Its Time Of The Year Halloween Autumn Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Top Halloween Top Pennywise Loser Lover IT Tee Shirt

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 No amount of western propaganda about so-called “authoritarian” or “strongman” leaders will change the cold hard facts that countries like the Top Halloween Top Pennywise Loser Lover IT Tee Shirt, DPRK, and Cuba were/are led far more democratically and horizontally than any western state. Without a doubt, yes. Canada and Germany are bourgeois states where capital and its owners have more political power than the masses do. That is simply not true of China or the DPRK – just read their constitutions. They are workers states where the needs of the masses come before the needs of the rich. Anarcho-capitalism is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. Ah yes, the LGBT community, famous for being massive fans of Stalin Mao and Che Guevara. Buy it: Top Halloween Top Pennywise Loser Lover IT Tee Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Pretty Pumpkin I Love Halloween Shirt

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 So would 99% of the rest of the planet at the Pretty Pumpkin I Love Halloween Shirt. And roughly half of the planet in current times, if they all had their way. Why the hell would I let that influence my decision making in what economic system is the most correct? It’s a hard line to walk rhetorically. I find myself using communist dictators often in examples when I am comparing their human rights violations to continuing US violations. But it often can get me mistaken for being pro-Mao, pro-Stalin, etc. Like, no. I’m saying that if you are going to discredit the ideas of leftists because of leftist dictators than I have some bad news about your capitalist liberal politicians. Buy it: Pretty Pumpkin I Love Halloween Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Premium The Method Family She’s All Together Ooky Halloween Shirt

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 It’s also worth remembering that the Bolsheviks chose to integrate rather than replace the old Tsarist bureaucracy, meaning that a lot of the old conservative government apparatus from the Premium The Method Family She’s All Together Ooky Halloween Shirt. Eventually, the CPSU took the easier, unprincipled option, rather than fight for gay rights and risk alienating conservatives and the Church in the lead up to WW2 — and yes, the Soviets were preparing for war in 1934. It didn’t take a prophet to see Hitler wanted war with the USSR. To say the CPSU hated homosexuality and leaving it at that is criminally oversimplifying the dynamics of a complex political party at a particularly volatile period of Soviet history. Buy it: Premium The Method Family She’s All Together Ooky Halloween Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Official I Am Just Here For The Candy Halloween T Shirt Mens T Shirt

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 I suppose I should have been more careful with my phrasing. My point was that this was an example of the CPSU conceding to/failing to struggle against conservative and religious attitudes towards homosexuality. The CPSU wasn’t leading the Official I Am Just Here For The Candy Halloween T-Shirt Men’s T-Shirt it was split on the issue. Certain sections of the party represented a gay rights line that was basically the most progressive stance in the country at the time. Other sections of the party were in line with overall conservative attitude of Soviet society in the 1920s, and they used communist language to express that prejudice. Buy it: Official I Am Just Here For The Candy Halloween T Shirt Mens T Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Nice Vintage Coolest Pumpkin In The Patch Halloween Costume T-Shirt

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 Of why Stalin was oppressive to LGBTQ+ people. But still, equality is a Nice Vintage Coolest Pumpkin In The Patch Halloween Costume T-Shirt. Athens complained that Sparta treated women with “too much equality”. The Mongolians practiced religious freedom while the Catholics attacked Jews & Muslims. The Persians outlawed slavery before Rome even existed. It’s kind of important to make sure we’re all on the same page -are we playing the “which political philosophy is better for minorities” game or are we playing the “which 20th-century public figures had a better attitude towards queer rights” game? Because I’m pretty sure whoever made this image wants to pretend like it’s about the former while only talking about the latter. Buy it: Nice Vintage Coolest Pumpkin In The Patch Halloween Costume T-Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Nice Top Halloween Happy Halloweed Rasta Pumpkin Marijuana Weed 420 Shirt

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 US law was used for lesser punishments for another 9 years after that. Yeah, the simple fact that we had an entire war over the issue makes it manifestly evident that a ton of people at the time completely understood the Nice Top Halloween Happy Halloweed Rasta Pumpkin Marijuana Weed 420 Shirt. Same with every civil rights movement, uprising, etc that I can think of. Equality and fairness were concepts that existed far before the 20th century. This always blows my mind because legitimately it’s an argument I have heard from “both sides” before. Admittedly it’s louder on the right & the left doesn’t justify it, they usually use it as an “explanation”. Buy it: Nice Top Halloween Happy Halloweed Rasta Pumpkin Marijuana Weed 420 Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Hippie Car Halloween Horror Characters Chibi Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Shirt

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 The minute they establish ‘true anarcho-capitalism’, they’ll end up with warlords, corporations that become governments in everything but name or communities banding together to Hippie Car Halloween Horror Characters Chibi Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Shirt. It doesn’t excuse anything, for that matter. The whole “product of their times” argument doesn’t impress me when you can find people sympathetic to the plight of marginalized people from pretty much any point in recorded history. It’s like arguing with right-wingers who justify slavery-like “it was just the time” like no. Even people in their time knew slavery was wrong, some people opposed it from the get-go. Buy it: Hippie Car Halloween Horror Characters Chibi Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Funny Top Halloween For Mom Mom Ster Shirt

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 Think about it this way: most of the current problems stem from the Funny Top Halloween For Mom Mom Ster Shirt, splitting up various tribal territories and creating countries where large minority populations. Were governed over by a majority population they had centuries of bad blood and territorial disputes with. Arabs didn’t and don’t follow our Westernized concepts of right and wrong being absolute, they had their own morality which was based upon loyalty to their family and tribe. and blood feuds over there can last centuries. Siding with your family in a dispute is right, siding against your family or staying neutral is wrong. Buy it: Funny Top Halloween For Mom Mom Ster Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Funny Michael Myers Halloween Movie The Night He Came Home Shirt

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 Stewards and Shephard of this world and maybe even get to see what other wonders God has placed among the stars. Why are you thinking about it? Super elderly people slapping their meat together is a Funny Michael Myers Halloween Movie The Night He Came Home Shirt, too, but it’s on others if they’re letting that shit take up real estate in their brains for some reason. Same with gay people. I mean, the Ottomans were incredibly evil in many ways and were the gold standard for imperialism for centuries, but we can still give then credit where it’s due. Buy it: Funny Michael Myers Halloween Movie The Night He Came Home Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Awesome Pennywise The King Of Halloween Shirt

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 He’s established with His own blood a commune with all who would call upon him. I sincerely believe salvation is Awesome Pennywise The King Of Halloween Shirt, God isn’t going to be surprised with who you are. He loves you. He may not agree with everything you’ve done, but He wants to bridge that gap to Him so in this life, you can learn to set aside all the internal and external bad things and make the world a better place, extend the realm of Heaven a little more on earth. What a great world we could live in if everyone’s differences were celebrated, accepted and we could work together to be good. Buy it: Awesome Pennywise The King Of Halloween Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Top LGBT The Only Choice I Ever Made Was To By Myself Shirt

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 Bro honestly good fucking job. I don’t even know you but I’m proud. I was homeless for a Top LGBT The Only Choice I Ever Made Was To By Myself Shirt. Finally, I swallowed my pride and asked if I could stay with my dad until I get back on my feet. Been working at amazon for a few months and me and my brother are looking for apartments! It can only go up from here bro stay focused on taking care of your business. I hope you never have to go through that shit again. Good luck with everything. Climbing out of the gutter is a lot of hard work mixed with a lot of luck, and no one appreciates that like those of us who have been there. Keep your head up and I send ya best wishes. Buy it: Top LGBT The Only Choice I Ever Made Was To By Myself Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Top LGBT Science Is Real Black Lives Matter Kindess Is Everything Shirt

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 It can transmit information, create movement, affect perception, we can enchant metal to be controlled by it, harness it to read matter, to predict the Top LGBT Science Is Real Black Lives Matter Kindness Is Everything Shirt, to make servants and minions of it, and even use it to stun or kill people. Anything magic pretended to do, our knowledge of electromagnetism allows us to make real. Yes, except it needs a decade of education, collaboration from multiple fields, a team, and expensive equipment to be able to do those things. Magic still need decades of study, complex rituals with esoteric ingredients, hours of infusing enchantments on staffs and robes, and gathering a lot of information and learning spells from old wise men, on this part I’d say we’re par. Buy it: Top LGBT Science Is Real Black Lives Matter Kindess Is Everything Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Pretty LGBT Support Some Of Us Evolve Differently Shirt

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 It’s unclear how much of that had to do with “we don’t want to cause a run on our mask supply so hospitals and doctors offices have them” or “trump is futzing around with the Pretty LGBT Support Some Of Us Evolve Differently Shirt or just straight-up misinformation. It would have been better if they had just been honest from the get-go “hey we’re not entirely sure if it’s airborne or if masks help, please don’t buy masks and leave those for healthcare workers, use cloth masks as a stopgap in the meantime if you have access to them or can make them” would’ve been so much better than lying about it so that healthcare workers could get them. Buy it: Pretty LGBT Support Some Of Us Evolve Differently Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Premium LGBT The Golden Girls Queen Shirt

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 He’s so old and jail for an old man will only be slightly harder than a Premium LGBT The Golden Girls Queen Shirt.. let’s just hope they throw him in with the young men jail mates and let’s hope they’re horny enough to touch this raisin. This guy lived the majority of his life free. He’s so old he’ll probably croak by the end of the year. I guess it’s justice, technically. But, if I were the family of a victim, it wouldn’t mean much because he’s already enjoyed his life. But, it is still better knowing who did it. My co-worker told me her mom worked at a restaurant years back where a certain policeman was a regular. He was friendly and there were a few times when he offered her a ride home at the end of the night. She would decline as she lived nearby. She recently learned that this policeman was the golden state killer. Buy it: Premium LGBT The Golden Girls Queen Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Official LGBT To Thine Own Self Be True Shirt

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 I worked for the biggest MAST (the company that owns Bath and Body Works and is a division of L Brand) contractor in Virginia for 8 years. Fragrance oil is absolutely 100% the most expensive part of any shower gel or foaming soap we made. Odds are they have hundreds of thousands of pounds of these oils in warehouses all over the Official LGBT To Thine Own Self Be True Shirt, so they just rebrand it as something else, its not like they are going to scrap it. Literally got a job last week that I was “Unqualified” for. I said, “fuck it, I’m running out of places to apply, let’s give it a shot”. A couple of days later they replied, set up an interview, and I somehow have a job tomorrow morning during a pandemic. Buy it: Official LGBT To Thine Own Self Be True Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Official LGBT Some Girls Are Just Born With Baseball In Their Douls Shirt

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Love those guys. my ideal evenings are watching the Yankees from 7-10 and double-featuring with the Official LGBT Some Girls Are Just Born With Baseball In Their Douls Shirt. Padres climbing the west coast viewing rankings too, now that they’re good.tbh, our tv announcers are one of the few bright spots for angels fans this season haha. the padre’s announcers’ chemistry has me thinking I might adopt the Dads™ as my NL team purely for their hilarious shenanigans. I love Gubicza. A few years ago y’all had a series at the K and Gubicza came to our booth for an inning or so and it put him on my radar as a legit analyst. I would love it if he could be our color guy. Instead, we get Hudler and Physioc from you 😩 I love Hud, but Gubicza was an iconic Royal and he’s a damn good color guy. Buy it:  Official LGBT Some Girls Are Just Born With Baseball In Their Douls Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Nice LGBT Strong Hand Together We Stand Black Lives Matte Shirt

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 My guess is someone in that group heard it was offensive to depict Mohammad in any way and thought well let’s depict him in what we’d consider the Nice LGBT Strong Hand Together We Stand Black Lives Matte Shirt. No logic beyond trying to make others angry. What a life. Which is ironic because the rule isn’t there out of respect, it’s so people wouldn’t end up deifying the prophet. Pretty sure these are exactly the sort of rubes who would start worshipping a golden calf the second it seemed like the easier option. Trump really is this era’s golden calf. Except I think the calf would have run the country way better. They do worship a golden calf, just not a literal one. They are certainly not worshipping the Biblical God. Buy it: Nice LGBT Strong Hand Together We Stand Black Lives Matte Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

LGBT Sorry My Heart Only Beats For My Freaking Awesome Girlfriends Shirt

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 The images of the security circuit of an LGBT Sorry My Heart Only Beats For My Freaking Awesome Girlfriends Shirt, in the south of Minas, caught a confusion between client and receptionist. The 24-year-old told the police that it all started after he demanded the customer’s temperature check. The case happened on Saturday night (8), but the images were released on Tuesday (11).The video shows the exact moment of the attacks. In the images, an alleged customer appears talking to the employee. The man gestures to the attendant and then walks toward the hotel door. Seconds later, he comes back and strikes the receptionist with a pedestal. He even throws a bottle of alcohol gel at the victim. The employee defends himself and hits the young man with several punches. A woman appears on the scene and takes the boy away. Buy it: LGBT Sorry My Heart Only Beats For My Freaking Awesome Girlfriends Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Funny LGBT Spread Love Not A Virus Shirt

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 One example is “fake news”, which used to describe stories with no truth that were planted to help Trump get elected. Now it was co-opted and means any news story that puts Trump in a Funny LGBT Spread Love Not A Virus Shirt, including perfectly true ones. Thank you! It seems no one recalls this now…that “fake news” in 2016 was actually fake and surgically targeted at certain audiences. Well sure, there was actual fake news. But then Trump started yelling FAKE NEWS at anything he didn’t like and sadly that’s where it stuck it’s been a cash grab for 30 years. But the last 4 Has pretty much been, let’s hoard what we can, because this won’t last forever in America. Buy it: Funny LGBT Spread Love Not A Virus Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt

Awesome LGBT Star Trek Spaceship Shirt

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 I suspect it is exactly this. John Young – astronaut goddamned legend – snuck a corned beef sandwich into the Awesome LGBT Star Trek Spaceship Shirt. I’m hoping that the up-and-coming breed of commercial space stations will allow for humans to be a little more themselves in space. The ISS is a marvel of engineering, but it is ruthlessly formed over function over form [mah bad].The Martian addressed this really well: two of the crew were military and mentioned potentially getting court-martialed if they decided to go off their planned course. Buy it: Awesome LGBT Star Trek Spaceship Shirt Premium Trending shirt this Season: Pondertee- Custom-Tshirt