Nice Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Johnny Cash The Cool Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt
My name is Amber Shitimus Turd, commander of the Nice Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Johnny Cash The Cool Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt, general of the feces legions, loyal servant to the true emperor Marcus Aurelius, father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance, in this shit or the next. This is crazy. I made this comment while watching Gladiator. Forced myself to stay awake until 1.30 to finish it, then wake up to this. There is a person that went to elementary school with her that resents this statement. Amber Heard dropped a deuce in Jonny Depp’s bed. He had to scowl when he smelled something foul and now calls her turd instead. I have a policy against using LOL, but that’s what happened after reading that one. There seems to be a lot of layers to this onion. Could go on for a while.For months there’s been one editor, TrueHeartSuzie3, that super-stans Amber and has been reverting any attempts to add new info while calling anyone who tries an incel. It’s gross. Can we report that person to the wiki? I apologize for not understanding how it all works but it seems eccentric to Wikipedia’s ideals to have her page not reflect truth. I know she has been reported, she was then asked by one of their “super editors” or whatever they’re called to back off on the Nice Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Johnny Cash The Cool Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt, she did for a couple weeks then took over gatekeeping again. Wiki really doesn’t have great controls to filter out bad faith editors. I mean if you are gonna take a dump in someone’s bed at least make sure your name doesn’t rhyme with it.
Buy it: Nice Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Johnny Cash The Cool Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Nice Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Johnny Cash The Cool Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt

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