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My personal belief is that it was because pork can be dangerous to eat if not properly cooked. One can eat a Nice Snoopy And Charlie Brown Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Get Through This Thing Called Life Shirt, but eating raw pork will almost certainly give you a tapeworm or something. Just a warning in general more so than a divine command. Of course, this is purely speculation. Anthropology major. It was probably because pigs take a lot of water in a dry environment. They are easy to raise, but there would be problems with rich people’s pigs competing with people. I don’t know about the shellfish and insects. Shellfish do get affected by red tides, but it is probably something else. Humans cook all sorts of things that are poison if not properly prepared.Hmm, I’ve brought up my pork-tapeworm idea before and no one has countered with chicken. I’m stumped.I’ve always heard its because pigs are “filthy animals”, but that never made sense to me, because they were domesticated over ten thousand years ago. What changed? So, do these people not even farm pigs at all? Or do they just use them for bartering? It doesn’t make sense to me to give up something so obviously valuable. Social control. Stop your people breaking bread with others in what is a Nice Snoopy And Charlie Brown Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Get Through This Thing Called Life Shirt. Jews and Muslims understand our similarities. Christians think that they’re like us because their god is one of us and it’s weird.
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Buy it: Nice Snoopy And Charlie Brown Dearly Beloved We Are Gathered Here Today To Get Through This Thing Called Life Shirt

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