Funny Erschreck Mich Nicht Ich Furz Leicht Shirt
I like to picture him as a Funny Erschreck Mich Nicht Ich Furz Leicht Shirt. His arrow intently moves toward the link. His index finger tenses up to click. For a moment, he pictures what’s coming, but he thinks “No, no one in their right mind would…”And then he sees the link address before clicking. And that begins the story of how Rick Astley plotted my downfall in 2023. Sounds like you get it. It’s usually just when someone baits you into thinking you’re about to see one thing, just for you to hear that song instead. Some of us have been Rick Rolled so many times just hearing those synth drums, in the beginning, is enough to make us laugh, or maybe facepalm, depending on who you are.I’m so glad Rick Astley is such a Funny Erschreck Mich Nicht Ich Furz Leicht Shirt. It has to be the longest-lived, most beloved meme of all time. Does that even make it a meme anymore? Anyway, I think it helps that it’s a legitimately great song. I listen to it all the way through relatively often when I get Rickrolled. Very few of us will have the immortality that Rick Astley has due to the Rickroll phenomenon. Like 2,000 years from now, end of civilization comes, aliens invade the planet and the first thing they’re going to do is fucking Rickroll us. I am concerned that it is all downhill from here. This is definitely the highlight of my life.putting this here cause I don’t wanna ruin the comment, Glad I was able to make some people laugh. We could all use a laugh in 2020.
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Buy it: Funny Erschreck Mich Nicht Ich Furz Leicht Shirt

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