Top Iron Maiden Killers Shirt
We always did the boob trick with cutting out her knee caps off the other side of the box!! The old covers will be collectors items. As soon as I saw the new box, I thought to myself, dang I won’t be able to teach that to my son. Dad showed me when I was about 11 or 12, I showed my son when he was about the Top Iron Maiden Killers Shirt. I weep for the loss of these precious father-son bonding moments. Y’all know there’s boobs on the Internet right? You don’t need to cut and paste cardboard knees anymore dad taught me the trick with her knees in the 4th grade and told me to keep it to myself and not do it at school because I would get In trouble. So, the next day, I did it at school and got in trouble.So many people are asking why I brought butter to school. You know you can take the butter out and just use the box, right? Also, I used a Top Iron Maiden Killers Shirt. I remember because I brought a few of them with me. But we won’t have the nipple-less Indian butter maiden to wank to anymore. Those were golden times to be a young man. I feel sorry for kids nowadays missing out on the Sears catalog and scrambled porn. He’s openly talked about how he was completely burnt out. He started the original series as a test/challenge to create a video a day, and as a result, he was regularly staying up late to finish videos and he kept that up for years in addition to whatever else he was doing. That was 8 years ago, before his vlogging, I’d argue the new stuff is better than that. The laugh and voice on that guy were….. Horrific. I think that’s the only way I can describe it.
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