Official Easily Distracted By Dogs And Campers Vintage Shirt
Another thing is knowing what their answer means. Just because they want to talk about it doesn’t mean they want the problem fixed, and sometimes you just need to listen and be an Official Easily Distracted By Dogs And Campers Vintage Shirt. In addition, I’ve noticed that sometimes people unintentionally try to make the person they’re comforting “simmer down”, so to speak. Don’t say that they need to just relax, or that the problem is small, or that it’s nothing to be worried about. Let them blow off the steam and clear their head.I word it differently depending on the friend. Some don’t like the thought that they are bitching about something so I’ll say “talking it through,” “detailing,” or “venting. I’m stealing the line, now I just wait to use it.That phrasing is very helpful in many situations, but has an Official Easily Distracted By Dogs And Campers Vintage Shirt. My more hyper-masculine friends would clam up if they thought they were being called bitchy, but others are more secure in that. And, obviously, with more serious situations. If you aren’t sure, it’s always best to just default to listening if you can, people will usually prompt you with something like “So, what do you think I should do?” If they are looking for fixing talk.Had a friend who would rant to me about her bf every day. It was taking a huge toll on me because it was the same shit, different day sort of thing. Once I pretty much just asked her that question and she stopped talking to me. Now after a few months, she’s crawling back into my DMs.
Buy it: Official Easily Distracted By Dogs And Campers Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Official Easily Distracted By Dogs And Campers Vintage Shirt

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