Nice Do You Even Sift Bro Vintage Shirt
I might be able to help with that. Vladimir Komarov was the astronaut aboard the Nice Do You Even Sift Bro Vintage Shirt. The ship crashlanded after the parachute failed to open, and it fell from space without much slowing down. It impacted at 40 m/s. Komarov had previously made known his wishes for an open casket funeral. After the crash landing, his remains were an oval-shaped mass measuring 80cm x 50cm.A photo exists of Komarov’s remains. I won’t link it but I’m sure you’re gonna find it on your own just fine. The implication of Vladimir Komarov being puréed meat in an oval-shaped mass measuring 80cm x 50cm is that Komarov doesn’t stop being Komarov even after we eat him. By that conclusion, we, as Komarov’s new oval-shaped mass measuring 80cm x 50cm, become Vladimir Komarov ourselves when we eat Vladimir Komarov.In the absence of someone feeding them consistently, pets will happily devour a dead body. So that means that if you die while owning cats and you aren’t found right away, it’s gonna be like Golden Corral right in your living room. If I’m late waking up in the Nice Do You Even Sift Bro Vintage Shirt, my cat will start licking my face. I’m absolutely certain if I die in my sleep, she will eat my entire face before noon. My question is, how do they know for sure that was him and not just a wad of debris? Surely you couldn’t have tested it for DNA, and it’s literally just a big chunk. Finally, someone else who likes mustard on their chili dogs. I get so many weird looks for it, but fuck is it good. I love mustard on my dog and I love chili on my dog, but I don’t think I would put both of them on my dog. That’s just too mean.
Buy it: Nice Do You Even Sift Bro Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Nice Do You Even Sift Bro Vintage Shirt

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