Nice The Bills 60th Anniversary 1960 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt
I wish I had half of Bill Burr’s ability to say what he wants to say in the Nice The Bills 60th Anniversary 1960 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt. Just incredible. Saying Joe’s knuckles would scrape the floor while rollerblading was a sharp quick burn, even impro comedy guys would envy. I’ve been really struggling to find another comedian like bill that hits jokes so consistently. though I dont really like his podcast lol, maybe I just watched one of his most boring ones and never tried again. It’s because Bill is fucking killing it right now. The other comics that pop up on Rogan like Andrew Santino and Tom Segura Owen Smith (happy mommies?) are doing well but still need Rogan’s platform to promote so they don’t rock the boat. Bill Burr, despite what he says about himself, is the guy.Personally, the more I watch Joe Rogan, the more I realized I only come back to his show to hear what his guests have to say. It could be literally anybody having that conversation with bill burr and I would love it. I came to the same realization not too long ago. I feel myself getting more annoyed at Joe every time I listen to one of his podcasts at length. He gets some great guests on though, so I still listen. He’s great at facilitating conversation, even if he mostly just agrees with what his guests are saying. There are exceptions (like when he’s in his wheelhouse of MMA/comedy). Exactly, he’s a Nice The Bills 60th Anniversary 1960 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt. He says a ton of dumb shit but I don’t listen to him to agree with him, I listen because the guests are consistently great and the conversations are always interesting.
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Buy it: Nice The Bills 60th Anniversary 1960 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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