Pretty Pooh Love I Like To Stay In Bed Its Too Peopley Outside Shirt
I had the Pretty Pooh Love I Like To Stay In Bed Its Too Peopley Outside Shirt, and for me it’s because of growing up watching PBS.Was watching some PBS the other day after my dog had surgery (he was really into watching the Pratt brothers new cartoon thing? I’m not sure what it’s called aha) and they said something like “and contributions from our viewers” and honestly I probably god needlessly upset. Why take away that small feeling of joy from a child of believing that they’re helping their favorite show. Bring back viewers like you, you cowards. I wouldn’t really consider PBS generational. If you were a kid between the 70s and today you most likely watched PBS at some point. They are more widely available than the other kid’s channels and broadcast Sesame Street and Arthur.I’m most familiar with the Pretty Pooh Love I Like To Stay In Bed Its Too Peopley Outside Shirt, a cluster of British shows that follow the same sort of theme but there’s like 3 versions so 3 different sets of casts. And Nova, which is a science how-does-it-work type show. I’m sure they still have tons of kids and nature shows and the occasional theater production that they are using to raise funds (over the phone, how cute). I do know what you mean about the old videos though. My teachers loved bringing out semi-relevant old PBS documentaries, and if they couldn’t find it online they would break out VHS videos recorded probably a decade and a half earlier. Those were my favorite days though. When it’s raining outside and you’re on the second floor watching an old DVD on those portable cathode tube tv sets.
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