Official Funny City Kitties Apocalypse Pets Shirt
My cat was abandoned on an Official Funny City Kitties Apocalypse Pets Shirt. Apparently it’s super common… I guess lots of people think a cat raised by people can just figure shit out and hunt their food (some probably can, but not most). The worst part is they named him Clifford (he was chipped). I changed his name to Obi, but I’ll never forgive them for that. People are terrible. My cat was picked up by a shelter after someone who works there saw some asshole try to run her and her five kittens over with their car. She didn’t make it, but her four kittens did. Why do I always scroll this far in these threads? It’s 5 am and I’m sad now. Glad the kitties were OK though.This guy I used to work with seemed normal and I thought he was nice enough until one shift when he said: “If I see an Official Funny City Kitties Apocalypse Pets Shirt. He seemed to think he was being a hero by doing it too. Punishing those owners for letting their animals roam. Kind of seems like sociopathic behaviour to me… deliberately harming innocent animals that may have perfectly responsible owners (for example, when we were both sick we hired someone to mow and he accidentally let the dog out one time, poor guy. Apparently my dog thinks its funny to go into peoples yards so he chased her into the neighbour’s yard and had to convince her to come out from under a building there while the neighbour stood around and had a giggle at him).
Buy it: Official Funny City Kitties Apocalypse Pets Shirt

Buy it: Official Funny City Kitties Apocalypse Pets Shirt

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