Official Dwight Eisenhangover Vintage Shirt
I’ve always found it funny that the main takeaway from the new testament seems to be along the lines of “Be nice to people and help people out who need it”. Yet the ones who purport to be the most Christian are so vehemently against that. Based on the moral standard laid out in the bible the vast majority of Christians would go to hell. And far more atheists or people with no set religion would be going to heaven. I say this as someone raised catholic and honestly having an Official Dwight Eisenhangover Vintage Shirt. All the racists, homophobes, guns rights people, anti-welfare, anti-healthcare, anti-abortion people who are so certain God is on their side always seem so twisted up full of hate, fear, and selfishness to me. Yet the ones who purport to be the most Christian are so vehemently against that.It depends on your experience. My history with Christianity has been in Canada and South and southern Africa, and I’ve found that when you really get down on the Official Dwight Eisenhangover Vintage Shirt, what you find are Christians. Not that aren’t non-Christians there, too, but I’ve always found Christians being active participants in the spaces where there are people fighting to make things better for people who can’t fight for themselves. You don’t find that in the mainstream news, though. It’s not glamorous work, and it doesn’t make people feel smug about their own choices the way reading about clearly abusive megachurches does.I’ve always found it funny that the main takeaway from new testament seems to be along the lines of “Be nice to people and help people out who need it”.
Buy it: Official Dwight Eisenhangover Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Official Dwight Eisenhangover Vintage Shirt

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