Official Dachshund Flower Easily Distracted By Wieners And Skulls Shirt
The most dangerous guy I think was the Official Dachshund Flower Easily Distracted By Wieners And Skulls Shirt: Scarface. He was the only person I didn’t end up loathing, and he is plenty bad lol He’s the only one I’d be afraid of having the will and experience to have me killed if I fucked with him. Joe Exotic had a deluded image of himself. Joe is absolutely psychotic. He regularly fed his employees rotten meat and on more than one occasion, his solution to a problem was to set a building on fire. The fact that he was able to keep a single person in his company, much less an entire entourage, is baffling.My least favorite person show in the Official Dachshund Flower Easily Distracted By Wieners And Skulls Shirt. Dude is absolutely very smart, but also very manipulative and knows WHO it will work on. I loved the fact the editors at Netflix left in those clips of him bossing the camera crew around and staging how he wanted to be presented. Absolute freakshow. Yeah, the directing and editing were excellent. Seeing him straighten his hat and switch to his television persona voice was an eye-opening look at the way he can convince folk. It’s the part where he’s first introduced personally. When they go around to his house/compound for the first time to interview him. I don’t recall exactly when it appears, but it’s in the first episode or two I think. Only had one shot at getting Doc Antle or Carole to speak in a documentary. Both are too smart to speak at length again.
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Buy it: Official Dachshund Flower Easily Distracted By Wieners And Skulls Shirt

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