Funny Bird Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle Shirt
Certain types of autism do enable specialization in certain fields or aspects of life, so I have no doubt they’re better at this than most neurotypicals. I definitely can say my ASD really does help me pay attention to small details even where it doesn’t matter that much.I’m very low on the Funny Bird Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle Shirt. I’m always that guy who doesn’t stick to blueprints (because I have a hard time paying attention and grasping a lot of concepts) but that means I take it upon myself to learn about whatever my task is. I like to tear things down and build them back up so a lot of the time managers will like what I’m doing and incorporate it into other employees’ work.I’m not patting myself on the back or bragging because I don’t have a good job and never had but I’m saying I can see where you’re coming from, it’s nice sometimes when you can control your “weirdness.”In this day and age any job is a Funny Bird Autism Seeing The World From A Different Angle Shirt. Anyone who makes fun of a working man or woman is an asshole. If you are taking it upon yourself to understand what you are doing while getting the job done you are doing better than the majority of workers. After training people to do basic technical tasks for years and having them fail because they don’t see the goal they are trying to reach. I would much rather have a person interpret the process differently and come to the same result than follow my guidelines exactly.
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